Pandora’s performance


New Documentation

Alexander Ivanov made some performance tests for the gun itself. Here are the results.

  • Server: NGinx, 32 cores, 64G RAM.

  • Tank: 32 cores, 128G RAM.

  • Network: 1G.

HTTP requests to nginx

Static pages with different sizes. Server delays implemented in Lua script, we can set delay time using sleep query parameter:

server {
    listen          12999      default;
    listen          [::]:12999 default         ipv6only=on;

    location ~* / {

        rewrite_by_lua_block {
            local args = ngx.req.get_uri_args()
            if args['sleep'] then

        root /etc/nginx/pandora;
        error_page 404 = 404;


        access_log off;
        error_log off;
  • Connection: Close 23k RPS

Connection:Close, response times distribution
  • Connection: Keep-Alive 95k RPS

Keep-Alive, response times distribution
  • Response size 10kB maxed out network interface. OK.

  • Response size 100kb maxed out network interface. OK.

  • POST requests 10kB maxed out network interface. OK.

  • POST requests 100kB maxed out network interface. OK.

  • POST requests 1MB maxed out network interface. OK.

100 kb responses, network load
  • 50ms server delay 30k RPS. OK.

  • 500ms server delay 30k RPS, 30k instances. OK.

  • 1s server delay 50k RPS, 50k instances. OK.

  • 10s server delay 5k RPS, 5k instances. OK.

All good.

10s server delay, response times distribution 10s server delay, instances count
  • Server fail during test OK.

server fail emulation, response times quantiles

Custom scenarios

Custom scenarios performance depends very much of their implementation. In some our test we saw spikes caused by GC. They can be avoided by reducing allocation size. It is a good idea to optimize your scenarios. Go has a lot of tools helping you to do this.


We used JSON-formatted ammo to specify parameters for each scenario run.

  • Small requests 35k RPS. OK.

  • Some scenario steps with big JSON bodies 35k RPS. OK.

scenario steps